Friday, December 20, 2013

Neostrata Exfoliating Wash

Lately I've been sticking to strict three product routine.  I went from having terrible bumpy acne skin to dry almost clear skin, and decided that it was time to add some new products to the rotation.

Enter Neostrata Exfoliating Wash

First Impression: Ooh foam! Huh, this is getting a little thinner on my hands than I thought.  Where are the beads/sand/exfoliating things?  Why does this stuff smell like chlorine?  Is this even doing anything?  Where did all the foam I just put on my face go?

After the Shower:  Sweet Jesus my face feels amazing and soft.  My cheeks aren't nearly as flaky as they were before.  Uh oh why is my face feeling tight?  Damn I need some moisturizer.

Overall: I really love this product.  I would not recommend this to anyone with sensitive skin, or someone sensitive to any odors.  It makes my face feel tight after I use it, but it has actually made the dry patches on my cheeks smoother and happier, so I'll take it.  I can see this bothering sensitive skin though.  It doesn't have any sort of "traditional" exfoliating beads in it, so I'm guessing it's more of a chemical type of exfoliation.  Which could explain why it smells strongly of chlorine, which I will never get used to.  

Repurchase: Probably not, I just can't get over the smell, even if it does work like a dream.  I would much rather find another exfoliating wash/scrub that doesn't have the smell and works just as nicely.  I will use this until it is gone though. 

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