Thursday, January 30, 2014

Huge Milestone!

Thank you soooo sooo much for 400 followers! That's awesome! I really can't believe it! You guys and girls are amazing! Thank you again and again!

As of January 29th 2014 I officially have ten followers on bloglovin!  One follower for every finger on both of my hands! Now I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but to me that is absolutely amazing. I would love to thank everyone who has been reading this and commenting, and I want you  to know how much I appreciate the support.

Thank you for being a part of  this journey with me! 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Birchbox January 2014

Once again the new year has arrived, and with it a whole new set of beauty boxes to enjoy!

Birchbox is always one of my favorite boxes to open, and this month they did not disappoint.


These cute cards come with every box.  They give you a rundown of what products you got in this month's box, the full retail value, and a little snippet of info about the product itself.

My favorite fragrance is Viva La Juicy by Juicy Couture.  When I opened up this month's box I saw a shiny pink package and immediately though it was going to be Viva La Juicy, but it was Couture La La.  I've always found the smell to be a little too prefumey (does that make sense?), but it is always nice to have little bottles on hand when you want to change up your scent for a day.  Maybe this will grow on me?

I have tried a sample of the Burts Bees Night Cream before, and I was super excited to see the day lotion in this month's box.  This was our add on item (what?!?! Best add on yet), and not only does it smell delicious but if it's anything like it's counterpart it will be gone in a few days.

The Inika product I received was an eyeshadow. It's a loose powder in the color Eternal Marine.  The best way to describe the color is blue/green/gray.  I think over a black or white shadow this would look amazing, especially in these winter months.

The Fekkai Brilliant Glossing Cream reminds me of a leave in conditioner more than a glossing cream.  It smells like lemons and feels slick to the touch.  I can imagine this being very easy to use too much product on your hair, but if it really tames fly aways it's a chance I'm willing to take.

When I first saw the Nail Rock product I squealed like a little kid.  I have been looking for a navy color for months and can never seem to find one, so the color for me is a huge hit (I'm actually wearing it now).  The flocking powder makes me nervous and excited all at the same time.  I have never been ballsy enough to go buy the flocking powder myself, but I have almost every other nail art product besides it.  I will definitely be trying this out in the immediate future, so look for a review!

I love love love love loved this months box.  I have never been happier with Birchbox, and hope this is an omen of good things to come this year with this subscription box.

Do you subscribe to Birchbox?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Getting Side Tracked

It seems like every time I try and plan out something in my life, something our of my control happens that sends all my plans flying out the window.  Today it was the snow.  

So instead of bracing the weather and trudging out in the fluffy white stuff I stayed in bed late, and have been surfing Pinterest all day looking at cute crafts I want to do and squealing over adorable kittens.  

For those of you who don't know what Pinterest is, it's Tumblr for moms, fitness junkies, bakers, DIYer's, and the lot.  Think of a super cool site with a bazillion pictures that can keep you entertained for hours and you don't have to worry about seeing anyone's naked parts or "inappropriate" things. (I can't lie though, I do love me some Tumblr.  I just haven't quite figured it out as well as Pinterest.  But I will, it's a goal of mine.)

Being the lazy sap I am today I figured I'd show you some of my findings, and if you are as much of a Pinterest fan as I am you can follow me and see what else I find awesome/amazing/adorable.

imgfave - amazing and inspiring images

DIY Chain Hardware Hinge Bracelet Tutorial by Love Maegan here. Another variation on the hardware hinge bracelet, so you can decide which one you like best - chain, suede, hinges all around etc… *Find Wobisobi’s leather and rhinestone version I posted here, a bracelet using several hinges by stripes + sequins and sprinkles in spring go here, and for jewelry made out of hardware go here:

Great paint colours here. Has me thinking... 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday Optimism

Today started off really well.  I woke up on time, got to work on time, and one of the first customers up to my desk said I was beautiful.   I thought to myself "Damn, today is going to be awesome."  

Then it all went south.  I left work feeling like I had been dragged through the mud, and looked at like I was a fool more times than I can count or wish to count.  Needless to say I got really down on myself and sorta snapped.  I threw up my hands at the end of the day and was like "I'm done!  I'm out!  No more!".  Talk about bad attitude.

By the time I got home, and had settled into this chair, I started thinking about all the ways my day was good, instead of the ways my day went badly.  I woke up this morning, I wasn't late for work, I had money to buy myself food, I had gas to get me to and from work, I have co workers who helped me out even though it wasn't their "job" to help me out, and I made it home safely back to my apartment to be able to share this with all of you, and those aren't even all of the things I have to be grateful for today.


I know not every day is going to be the best day ever, and some days may be just downright foul, but instead of wallowing in the bad moments we need to turn ourselves around and look at the silver linings.  All days have them.  I promise.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sample Society January 2014

New year, new batch of beauty boxes arriving at my door.

The Sample Society beauty box is quickly becoming an obsession of mine.

I love getting these cards in beauty boxes. Sometimes I get a product and have no idea how to use it, and these give you an idea about not only how to use the product, but why.

I've gotten a butter LONDON product in this box before, and I love this brand.  This cuticle oil is something I have seen on other beauty blogs and really wanted to try, but $15 seemed a little much for me.  I can officially say I'm obsessed with this product and it is perfect to keep next to the bed on these cold winter nights.  Bonus, it smells like coconuts and yummy.

The Nicole by Nicole Riche smells like any adult perfume you stole from your mom when you were a kid, albeit a little more flowery and fruity.  This is a perfume I will definitely keep of fancy dinners and parties.  It makes me feel like a grown up.

I rmember being a kid and buying the blue and green color changing lipsticks that were huge in the 90's.  Like most things 90's, this has come back in a more sophisticated way, which is less shocking to the eyes and more of a descrete party trick than a full blown magic show.  While the sample is small, it packs a punch, and I am totally in love with it. Bonus, it smells like strawberry lollipops.  Really?  Amazing.

I have the night version of the Hope In A Jar moisturizer and I love it.  This... I do not love.  Not one bit.  I will be dedicating a post to it later.  

The StriVectin moisturizer is supposed to help with fine lines an wrinkles.  I think early prevention of wrinkles is a great idea, but the size of this sample is very deceiving (this tiny sample came in such a big box) and I'm not sure how much it will actually help.  But I do love a good moisturizer. 

I like all but one of the products in this box.  I always feel like I get a great deal when I open up this box, and it only seems to get better every month.

Have you tried any of the products in this box?

Friday, January 17, 2014

Blush Mystery Beauty Box January 2014

January is the start of a new year, and a new round of beauty boxes!

The first box I received this month was the Blush Mystery Beauty Box.

Even before I dug into the bag I got a sneak peek of what I would find inside with this cute little card.  Not only does it tell me what's inside the bag, but also a little about what the products do.  I have a bag full of the cards from all of my beauty boxes hidden under my vanity in case I ever need to remember what something does, or where it came from.

Cetaphil reminds me of a cold cream, or something you would use if you were sick to make you feel better.  I'm not sure why, but that's what I associate the name with.  Apparently I am wrong in thinking that though, and it is actually a skincare brand, and I got a sample of their cleanser and lotion as my added bonus mystery item this month.  Not super thrilled, but I know it will get used. 

Side note: I hate lotion foil packets.  I never use the whole thing in one go and it usually leaks all over the place. Does anyone else have this problem?

The smallest sample I got in this month's bag is the Jane Iredale Lipstick in Tokyo.   It is a sparkly pink color, and even though most people think this is too small for anything and a waste, I love it.  I never use a whole tube of lipstick, and this little gem fits in any sized clutch or pocket.

The Glytone Hydrate Eye Cream is a welcome surprise in a beauty box.  I hear bloggers rant up and down about eye creams but you rarely find one in beauty boxes, unless it's in the dreaded foil packets.  This is great because it comes in a tube, you can reseal it, and you have more than enough to fully experience the product.

The Goldfaden MD Wake Up Call is a serum/lotion you apply at night to help you look more awake and refreshed in the morning.  I can tell this will be a welcome addition to my flu season (or hangover) makeup/skincare collection. 

The Klorane Leave In Conditioner smells delicious.  I don't like to use leave in creams as much as I like leave in sprays, but it is definitely worth a shot.  Especially on the weekends where I stay inside I can put some of this in my hair and not worry about it being too greasy.

The LeeDee is a very strange product.  It is an exfoliator, but to me it just looks like a thick dull metal blade.  You're supposed to run it along your skin in the shower and it is supposed to take of dead skincells.  Who knows.  I'll try it and report back.

The final thing I pulled out of the bag was the oddest thing I have ever gotten in a beauty box... ever.  It's Harmonized Water.  It's supposed to help regulate your digestive system (think along the lines of activia).  I'm extremely skeptical about this.  I don't want it to make me sick, and I don't know if it's another snake oil product that people bought into with the new health kick probiotic thing happening in the US.

Overall I thought the box was okay.  I liked last months box a lot more, and hoped they would stay on that trend into the new year, but if this box is representative of what's to come I'm a little nervous. 

Would you subscribe to the Blush Box after seeing the contents of this month's box?

Monday, January 13, 2014

Alterna Bamboo Kendi Oil

I am a newbie to the world of hair oils.  I thought I would be a forever devotee to the Moroccan Argan Oil, and then to the Ojon Rare Blend Total Hair Therapy oil.  Boy was I believing in a false hair idol.

The Alterna Bamboo Smooth Kendi Oil Pure Treatment Oil is absolutely amazing.

It claims to help repair split ends, repair from environmental damage, and help keep colors vibrant.  It is made with bamboo extract to help reduce frizz and prolong color, and Kendi Oil to make weak hair strong again.  It has a dropper in it so you don't have to pour the product out onto your hands, making it less messy and you don't end up wasting it.  You only need two or three drops to coat the ends of your hair, and a little goes a long way, trust me.

This stuff lived up to it's claims in every sense of the word.  It makes my color treated, damaged, frizzy hair all smooth and pretty and shiny and lovely. I actually went around and made people touch my hair because it was so nice.  Seriously.  It's amazing.

At $25 a bottle I think it is more than worth what it costs.  I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for a hair oil at an affordable price.  Especially if you are new to the hair oil world like myself.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

New Years Beauty Resolutions 2014

Okay, I'm a little late on the new years posts, but there were some complications, so I forgive myself.  I already wrote a post like this, but like I said at the end of the post, my list grew.  No shame.

Anywhoo, as a way to hold myself accountable and have some added support in making these resolutions come true, I've decided to blog them.

1. Wear more colors: I always find myself in the same rut.  Black clothes, dark colors, plain clothing, no jewelry.  I need to stop that.  One quick way to feel better about yourself is to dress to impress yourself, and that is definitely something I need to do more of.  I have the clothes, I have colored clothing, I have tons of jewelry, I just have to wear it.

2. Stop with the nudes:  I always default to nude and natural colors on my eyes and lips, and while it can give you a really classic look, it can also make you feel monotonous.  I feel mundane and complacent and stagnant and color is the way to pull me out of it.  Whether it's one of the many bright lipsticks I have hiding around, or a pop of color on the lower lash line or right above my liner, I'm going for it.  I've already managed to pull off a bright blue lower lash line/smudged out on the top crease without imploding, and my boyfriend even liked it!

3. Drink more water: This should be everyone's resolution. I've been terrible and drinking coffee and sodas and skipping the water.  I'm paying for it.  I have less energy, feel bloated and sluggish, and I'm not nearly as happy as I am when I drink water throughout the day.  I also hear it helps you lose weight, and what girl doesn't want to lose a little weight before the summer?

4. Cut back on the alcohol:  Yep.  It's bad for you.  You end up with a lot of questions the next morning, and can never find the remote.  Nuff said.

5. Eat better:  I'm terrible at keeping food resolutions.  I started off my saying absolutely no gluten. Well since going back to work, and not having time to go food shopping, I have been eating way too much takeout and bad stuff.  Now I'm not saying zero gluten, but I am saying next to none.  If I have a hamburger with a bun, I won't beat myself up.  If I want a sandwich for lunch I'll eat it.  But I will not eat takeout twice a day, and will limit my gluten intake to one thing a day, and combat that with veggies and soups.  Time to break out those cookbooks!

6. Wear more jewelry: I have necklaces, bracelets, rings galore, and I never wear them.  I love jewelry.  I love statement pieces.  But I get scared.  I get nervous that it'll be too much and I'll look like the 80's.  But as a part of my new fearless attitude, I think at least one statement piece a day has to be worn.  I should instagram it just so I can have a record.  

I know people come out with a huge list of resolutions that they never stick to, but I think all of these are more than manageable. 

What are your new years beauty resolutions?  Do you every stick to any of them?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Things I Don't Understand.

You wanna know what I don't understand?

Why as a beauty/lifestyle blogger do I feel the need to spend all of the money I have on the "Newest" releases, even when I have more than enough nude pallets and lipsticks that I haven't even scratched the surfaced of?

Why do I feel the need to buy high end products when I really can't justify spending the money on them, and can find a good dupe at the drugstore?

Why do I need six cleansers when I will never finish them? Same goes for foundations.  I only have one face, yet I have six different foundations.  Out of those six I don't like four, but I still use them in case one day I magically like it again/hope my skin will change.

Why can't I let go of products I just don't like?  I feel like those people on extreme couponers who just like having a stockpile but they could never possibly use all of that stuff before it expires.

The only thing I can come up with is that I see all of these beautiful blogs with high end products, or new product features every other day (most of which are gifted from companies mind you), and I feel bad about my own little blog that focuses mainly on beauty boxes, random reviews, and tidbits about life I want to share.

So with it being the new year, some things are going to change on this little slice of the internet.

I am going to write posts about things I wish other blogs posted about.
I am going to write posts for people like me, who have a limited budget, and can't justify spending my paycheck on products I may end up hating.
I am going to be that blogger that enjoys what she puts out, and even if no one reads this, at least I will.

This blog will be a record of my life, the things I've learned, the things I've struggled with, and the things I really want to share with all of you.  No more cookie cutter crap, and no more feeling bad that I don't get a bunch of new products every month, no more struggling to put out something just to be seen.

With that being said, I hope you continue to follow me on this journey to make this blog a learning place for me and you, and a place for us to grow together.  I hope you take the time to subscribe and tell me things you wish you learned how to do too so we can learn together.  I may only have a handful of followers, but I appreciate every comment and every view, and always will.

Thank you for your support, and lets make this year count!

Shopaholic Tag

The Shopaholic Tag


1. Would you consider yourself a shopaholic?

I am a binge shopper.  I go through weeks where I refuse to spend any money, and then weeks where I come home with a new goodie every day.  Sometimes it’s makeup, or clothes, or even a few weeks where I buy a bunch of stuff for crafts.    

2. How would you classify your style?

Tomboy classic comfortable casual.  I like menswear, vests, simple buttonups, pencil skirts, a-line dresses, sweaters, leggings, dark denim.  I like to keep my clothing simple, and with my body shape those classic shapes and tomboy accents really play up the things I like about my appearance.  I do wish that I was one of those people who could pull off effortless casual chic bohemian looks though.

3. What store can you not leave without buying at least one thing?
Target.  I love the comfortable clothes they have, and I buy most of my makeup from there.  I never leave empty handed.

4. Where do you find the best deals?
Online.  Old Navy, Aeropostale, Sephora, everywhere.  I like shopping online as opposed to in the store because I hate crowds, and they always have coupon codes and good deals online.

5. What designer are you willing to splurge for?
None.  I don’t have a favorite designer and I don’t have a lot of money.  I will spend money on makeup/skincare/haircare though…

6. Do you have a "go to" shopping outfit?
Flared jeans, moccasins, a loose sweater/cardigan with a tank underneath.  I don’t like to feel restricted when I am out in a crowd. 

7. What is your guilty pleasure? (Aside from make up)
Rings.  I have so many rings it’s ridiculous.

8. What is one staple clothing piece you cannot live without?
Dark denim.  I love dark denim. 
9. What is a trend you hope never goes out of style?
Loose flowy sweaters with tanks underneath. 

10. A trend that you loved that passed way too quickly?
Vests.  I have such a hard time finding nice vests, and I used to wear them everyday. 

11. Who is your fashion icon?
Becca Tobin, Khloe Kardashian, Anne Hathaway, Kate Beckinsale.  Classic chic and yet comfortable.

Friday, January 10, 2014

De Mert Nail Drying Spray : First Impressions

I can't remember the last time I had polish on my nails and they didn't have a dent or smudge on them.  Honestly it's probably never happened.  I just like to be optimistic.

I am so bad about my nails in fact that even at the salon I get yelled at to stop moving my hands.

When I read on Vivianna Does Makeup about the Mava Dry range of nail polish hardeners/dryers I may have squealed in delight.  I vowed to someday get my hands on something similar, or the real thing if I could find it.  On a recent trip to Ulta I found a mini bottle of what is supposed to be a dupe of the stuff and onto the checkout line I went.

The theory behind this product is that you spray it on your wet nail polish and it is supposed to dry it quickly so you don't smudge or dent your nails. You hold it about 4-5 inches away from your nails, and you spray each nail, coating it evenly.

 It has a nice floral smell, and the aerosol sprayer made it really easy to use.  However, it did not help my polish dry at all.  It actually made my top coat take longer to dry, which to me was really odd. 

I had really high hopes for this.  I really wanted it to work, so badly that I tried it twice. I think my folly may have come from the top coat, and I am hoping that it will work with just a regular polish.  I refuse to give up on this product until I try it until it works, or I run out. 

Until then I will try to find the Mava Dry Drying Spray and see what happens.

Have any of you tried the De Mert Nail Drying Spray?  If so, did it work for you?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Get To Know Me Tag

I am obsessed with blog tags, and I found this get to know me tag on Bow Tied Beauty's blog.

Get To Know Me Tag

1. On my nightstand you'll find: Lamp, chapstick, a drink of some sort, my phone.

2. The literary character I'm most like is (take this quiz and share your answer!): Hermione from Harry Potter.  I did not see that one coming.

3. I'm currently obsessed with: Jewelry making, my new camera, becoming a more positive person. 

4. My favourite superhero is: Batman!  I love his gadgets and that he’s just a regular person (well, besides the rich thing), and he can still make a difference.

5. Favourite beauty product of 2013: Argan Oil.  Oils in general actually.  Why did I not know about them sooner?

6. If I could have dinner with anyone dead or alive it would have to be: Oh goodness.  I have no idea.

7. Winter is here - how do you prep your skin for battle? Vitamin E oil and lots of body butters for my legs and arms.  The Vitamin E oil is amazing on my dry skin.

8. My perfect date night makeup consists of: Red lips, winged eyeliner, a light smoky eye, some bronzer and a little blush to top it all off. 

9. My go-to skin beautifying snack/drink is: Water.  Water can make your skin look amazing, and you can always tell when you aren’t getting enough of it.

10. My tv boyfriend is: The Doctor.  Any incarnation will do.  But Ten or Eleven would be my top picks if I had to choose.

11. If my evening clutch could only hold one beauty item it would be: Chapstick.  I don’t really touch up my makeup after I put it on (I end up looking clownish). 

12. One beauty tip I would pass on to my real/fictional daughter: Drink a lot of water, and cut back on the sugary drinks. 

13. The most nostalgic item from my childhood: I got rid of a lot of the momentos from my childhood.  I do have some old books though that I still love.

14. My tv show of the moment: I’m in limbo because of the mid season finales that just happened.  I’m watching Oddities right now and think it’s pretty cool.

15. My favourite quote is: “Take your aim like artemis and kill another dove, but when your heart becomes a hunter you may wound your chance to love”- Holly Brook 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Get To Know Me, Beauty Edition.

I found this cute little tag on Always Unpresentable's blog, and being a huge sucker for tags (just  a warning there may be a few coming up this week on the blog) I just had to do it. Even though I wasn't tagged.  It's a compulsion I swear.

Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
Wavy.  Some days I can fake a few good Shirley temple esque curls, but mostly it just has crazy beachy waves.

Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
Myself.  If I mess it up I don’t curse anyone but myself, and It’s a lot cheaper than going to a salon.

Do you wear the same style everyday or do you change it?
Change it up.  I get bored all the time.

Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
I do it myself unless a friend asks me to go get one with them.  With the frequency I change my manicure I would spend a fortune at a salon.

How often do you change your nail polish?
Whenever I feel like it.  Sometimes four times a week, sometimes once a week, but generally twice a week.  I like having new shiny nails and designs.

Do you polish your toes in winter or just in summer?
All year round.  It doesn’t chip nearly as much as my fingernails do so I can usually leave a polish on them for a month or more before I take it off and re-apply it. 

How long does it take you to put on your make up?
On a late/rushed day under five minutes, but on a normal day it takes about 10-15 minutes.  For special occasions I can take up to a half hour, but any more than that and I start to look like a clown.

What do you do first, face or eyes?

Do you collect make-up or do you just buy what you need and when you need it?
Collect.  I keep telling myself I’ll change up my style and wear more colors and get out of my comfort zone, but it hasn’t happened yet. It is a new year though, so I think I’ll pull out my less used makeup and see what happens.

How often do you wear false eyelashes?
Once in a blue moon.  I desperately want to wear them more regularly but I can’t master putting them on without them falling off or being crooked.

Do you do a full-face make-up everyday?
When I work, yes.  When I’m home all day I don’t wear anything on my face.

Do you wear make-up when you’re home alone or with your family?
Home alone no, but when I’m going to be seeing anyone but my boyfriend (Sorry!) I will put on makeup.

Would you leave the house without make-up on?
No.  Nope.  Not gonna happen.

How many high-end products do you own?
Few.  Only the ones I have gotten in beauty boxes, and even then it’s only sample sizes.  I can’t justify spending hundreds of dollars on high end makeup when I can find dupes at the drugstore.

Do you plan your OOTD every night or when you’re getting dressed?
Hahaha, sorry, no.  It’s always a mad dash to grab whatever is clean and appropriate for where I am going.  Case in point, I had a funeral to go to recently and I just grabbed anything black out of my closet that fit and threw it in my bag.  I’m that terrible with fashion.

How often do you change your handbag?
I barely use a purse.  I have one full of my “necessary” things which I feel like I will totally use during the day and never do.  I like pockets, and mine are usually crammed full of things.

What time do you wake up and go to sleep?
Between 1030PM and 2AM, and I wake up two hours before I have to go to work.  No matter what time work is, it can be at 1PM or 6AM, I will wake up two hours before and no sooner.  It’s a mental thing.

Left-handed or right-handed?
Right handed.

How tall are you?
5’4”.  I think.

How many pets do you have?
None, but I really want a kitten and the boyfriend wants a puppy. 

How often do you blog?
I would love to get to a point where it is an everyday thing, but it is usually every other day, or at least three times a week when I am struggling for content.

Do you read comments posted on blogs?

Do you keep a list of products you see on other blogs?
I try to, but most of the blogs I read focus on high end products, or UK brands.  I have a hard time committing to anything over $10 makeup wise.  I’m a cheapskate.  I’d rather eat.

How did you come up with your blog name?
I wrote a poem once called It’s Poker Dollface, and ever since it’s been my username for anything and everything. 

What’s your favourite color?
Anything but Brown. 

Do you swear?
Like a sailor.  But not around children, loudly in public, or at work.  I do have boundaries.

What are you doing with the rest of your day?
Going shopping and cleaning the apartment.

Do you love tag posts as much as I do?