Monday, August 25, 2014

Disappointing Product: RevlonColorstay Liquid Eye Pen in Black

I really don't like being a negative nancy.  I try to like everything, I really do, but when I try something and it immediately disappoints me, I can't help but cry a little inside.

Recently my favorite black eyeliner dried up *Insert sobbing here* and I dug through my stash to try and find a suitable replacement until I could get to Sephora to buy a new one.  None of the options I have made me the least bit happy, so on a trip to Target I picked up a promising looking eyeliner.  Keep in mind I said promising looking.


Well hello Revlon Colorstay Liquid Eye Pen!  Nice to meet you.  You look very promising.

Does that look promising to you? No.  The top line took me three swipes, and the bottom line is just one swipe of the pen.  I was really disappointed to say the least. It looks almost gray on my skin, the nib is too large to get a thin crisp line, it bleeds like a son of a gun, and even my boyfriends said "well that's no good" when he saw it. 

I wore it today for work and it bled wherever I put it on my eyes, even over eyeshadow, and the nib really bothered me because it was so large. I had a really hard time applying it and it looked like a hot mess. 

I wouldn't recommend this to anyone, and even went so far as to tell a co worker not to ever buy it.  

Have you ever tried this eyeliner?  Tell me how you liked it.

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