Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Getting Side Tracked

It seems like every time I try and plan out something in my life, something our of my control happens that sends all my plans flying out the window.  Today it was the snow.  

So instead of bracing the weather and trudging out in the fluffy white stuff I stayed in bed late, and have been surfing Pinterest all day looking at cute crafts I want to do and squealing over adorable kittens.  

For those of you who don't know what Pinterest is, it's Tumblr for moms, fitness junkies, bakers, DIYer's, and the lot.  Think of a super cool site with a bazillion pictures that can keep you entertained for hours and you don't have to worry about seeing anyone's naked parts or "inappropriate" things. (I can't lie though, I do love me some Tumblr.  I just haven't quite figured it out as well as Pinterest.  But I will, it's a goal of mine.)

Being the lazy sap I am today I figured I'd show you some of my findings, and if you are as much of a Pinterest fan as I am you can follow me and see what else I find awesome/amazing/adorable.

imgfave - amazing and inspiring images

DIY Chain Hardware Hinge Bracelet Tutorial by Love Maegan here. Another variation on the hardware hinge bracelet, so you can decide which one you like best - chain, suede, hinges all around etc… *Find Wobisobi’s leather and rhinestone version I posted here, a bracelet using several hinges by stripes + sequins and sprinkles in spring go here, and for jewelry made out of hardware go here:  truebluemeandyou.tumblr.com/tagged/hardware

Great paint colours here. Has me thinking... 

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